Mantra Coaching

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Let us Transform our Inner Space with Mantra

A mantra is defined as a sacred utterance, a sound, a syllable, or group of words believed by practitioners to have religious, magical or spiritual powers. Mantras have played a huge role in my life with personal healing and transformation. With the combination of Reiki, Mantras heal more deeply, create a peaceful place deep inside as well as help manage that never ending and exhausting chatter of the mind. This service is near and dear to my heart, it includes a one hour Reiki session where I get insight from your guides as to which mantras will serve you best, teaching of the mantras itself, setting up a system that works for you to practice and periodic check ins to evaluate your progress. This service will be deep, meaningful and transformational. I have been initiated into the use of many mantras over the years by various teachers and have been guided to pass my extensive training and experience onto others. You have an issue, I have a mantra for that!